Motorcycle Goods B2B Account Executive

Job Highlights:

Job Description:

  • We are seeking a highly motivated B2B Account Executive to join our motorcycle helmet and accessories business. The ideal candidate will have a passion for sales, experience in B2B sales, and a knowledge of the motorcycle industry.
  • In this role, you will be responsible for driving revenue growth by developing and maintaining relationships with our business partners.
  • You are able to travel overseas. And we offer an attractive remuneration with commissions and bonus.


  • Identify, contact, and build relationships with potential business partners to expand our customer base
  • Identify opportunities for growth within existing business partnerships
  • Conduct market research to identify potential business partners and competitors
  • Analyze market data to develop sales strategies and promotions
  • Develop and execute sales strategies to promote our motorcycle helmets and accessories to business clients
  • Collaborate with the marketing team to develop sales materials and promotions that will attract new business clients
  • Provide exceptional customer service to our business partners and address any concerns or issues that may arise
  • Attend trade shows and industry events to network and stay up-to-date on industry trends
  • Meet or exceed sales goals on a consistent basis
  • Proactively identify opportunities for growth within existing business partnerships
  • Keep accurate records of all sales activities and follow up with clients as needed


  • 2+ years of experience in B2B sales
  • Having a motorcycle driver license is a plus
  • Knowledge of the motorcycle industry and its key players is a plus
  • Fluent in English and Mandarin
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Self-motivated with a strong work ethic
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, or a related field preferred
Please apply with your CURRENT and EXPECTED salary. Send email to

Motorcycle Goods Merchandising Manager

Job Highlights

Job Description

We are looking for a skilled and experienced Helmet King Merchandiser to join our team at a Motorcycle Retail and E-commerce company in Hong Kong. As our merchandiser, you will be responsible for managing all aspects of the motorcycle related product line, including product research, procurement, pricing, and promotion.

Key Responsibilities:
  • Establish the company's merchandizing budget and strategies including product sourcing, pricing, and promotions.
  • Analyzing sales data and customer feedback to continuously improve merchandising efforts and adjust pricing and promotion strategies as needed.
  • Study market trends and consumer behavior to identify product opportunities in local, regional, and international markets.
  • Staying up to date on industry trends and competitor activity to inform merchandising decisions
  • Developing and implementing merchandising strategies that align with the overall OEM business strategy.
  • Overseeing the selection, brand building and presentation of OEM products in retail and online channels
  • Manage suppliers to negotiate best pricing, delivery lead times, and product quality standards.
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including marketing, sales, and product development, to ensure consistency in messaging and branding
  • Assist to develop and implement promotional campaigns, including digital and print advertising, social media, and events.
  • Conduct regular product trainings to sales and marketing team.
  • Ensure smooth operation for shipment schedule, product quality control, and space management with warehouse team.
  • Able to lead and also be a good team player with cross functions.
  • Strong problem solving and communications skills.
  • Prefer to have solid working experience for retail and E-commerce business before.
Required Skills and Experience:
  • Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, or related field.
  • 3+ years of experience in product development, merchandising, or marketing.
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to interpret market data.
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills.
  • Knowledge of motorcycle helmets and related safety standards.
  • Solid OEM merchandizing and branding experience.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel and other analytical tools.
  • Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects.
If you are passionate about motorcycles and have a proven track record of success in product development and merchandising, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity. We offer competitive salary and benefits packages, as well as opportunities for career growth and advancement.

Please apply with your CURRENT and EXPECTED salary. Send email to

Marketing Manager

Job Highlights
  • Startup Culture, Young and Energetic Fast Growing International Expansion
Job Description
  • We are looking for a skilled and experienced Helmet King Marketing Manager to join our team at a Motorcycle Retail and E-commerce company in Hong Kong. As our marketing lead, you will be responsible for managing all aspects of the marketing and promotions.
Work location:
  • Sheung Wan/ Yau Ma Tei

Key Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for increasing online sales through connecting with the right target segment, design and execute creative campaigns.
  • Handle weekly advertising (Digital Marketing) and Commercial strategies
  • Lead and plans in brand strategy and providing strategic solutions in fast-paced environment
  • Review business priorities, practical solution to business problems proactively Work closely with the our creative agency and production team.
  • CRM management.
  • Responsible for planning, budgeting, executing, monitoring promotion plans to boost business growth.
  • Youtube channel management
  • To be successful in this role you will exemplify our CORE values and:
  • Degree in Marketing, Journalism, Communications is preferred 5+ years marketing experience at agencies or in-house is preferred Strong market business sense and well knowing of the market Experience in marketing plans and brand building activities including social media, search engine, digital and media planning
  • Strong analytic with good presentation and communication skills, and able to work under pressure
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese
  • Be proactive approach, with extreme confidence in taking ownership of your work and the results it drives
  • Attention to detail, consistency and accuracy
  • Last but not least, you should be a motorcycle enthusiast and able to share the joy of riding to your audience!

If you are interested to apply for the above positions, please apply with your CURRENT and EXPECTED salary. Send email to



  • 我們提供比業界平均優勝的薪酬及待遇
  • 每年都有電單車員工旅行!✈️
  • 我們全店14個同事入面13人都有電單車牌, 有乜愉快得過同一班同樣熱愛26的同事番工同出車?
  • 積極協助店鋪內的銷售工作,並提供優質顧客服務
  • 處理店舖日常運作,包括:電單車人身部品銷售工作、車房服務的預約等
  • 工作時間彈性可商量安排
  • 每月有數日需於周六/日上班
  • 跟進訂單流程
  • 聯絡本地及海外供應商
  • 需要上倉管理貨倉及調貨
  • 負責安排運輸送貨
  • 中英文書處理

  • 對電單車有熱誠🔥!對電單車有熱誠🔥!對電單車有熱誠🔥!
  • 親善有禮、成熟穩重、主動進取、具感染力、重視團體合作
  • 具電單車行業經驗優先
  • 擁有電單車牌照優先
  • 交通津貼
  • 11天有薪年假
  • 員工進修資助
  • 有薪病假﹑婚假、恩恤假
  • 員工購物優惠
  • 年度公司旅行

如果你自問對人唔生外,鐘意同一班同樣熱愛電單車的同事相處,歡迎聯絡我們!請將簡單的CV email到



第一團日本自駕旅行團經已完滿結束,第二、三團亦將緊接出發。來年我們更會舉辦不同主題 的旅行團及將版圖擴展至更多國家,為了配合頭盔王快速擴展的旅行團業務,我們誠意邀請你 加入頭盔王!
如果你擁有五年或以上的旅遊業管理經驗,亦有滿腦子的創新意念想在一個充滿活力的公司付 諸實行,頭盔王就是實踐你理想的地方!

● 跟據客戶的需求和興趣而設計、領導和排定行程
● 處理客戶的查詢和預訂
● 研究不同的旅行目的地,提供專業的旅遊解決方案和服務,令顧客滿意
● 必要時處理客戶的意見和投訴
● 提供有關酒店、行程、機票和其他相關旅遊問題的建議
● 按照公司的計劃,聯繫不同部門去制定符合業務目標的解決方案
● 和旅行供應商、代理商和內部部門協調
● 分析和準備旅行預算報告供管理層查閱
● 支援其他臨時項目及工作

● 學士學位,旅遊或其他相關科目為佳
● 擁有至少五年的旅遊業管理經驗
● 豐富的產品及票價知識,包括IATA、BSP以及機票的發出及退款
● 熟練使用預訂系統和網上預訂工具
● 擁有使用Microsoft Office軟件的知識
● 擁有電單車正式駕駛執照
● 良好粵語、中英文書寫及溝通能力
● 積極進取、熱情主動、良好的客戶服務及交際能力、優秀的組織能力、能獨立工作和 解決問題

如果你人生Bucket List上的清單和頭盔王一樣,想用電單車去齊世界上最有名的公路/景點名 勝,如果你去旅行前的樂趣是Search齊Google Map/Trip Advisor所有景點路線,為打卡做足 功課,如果你見到同行的旅伴,去到靚的地方有好的體驗時你都會開心感動,如果你相信,電 單車是各地騎士的共同語言,透過電單車認識到不同文化的車友讓你覺得快樂,如果你的性格 是好玩活潑好動開朗,又識得細心照顧他人。

● 負責帶領參加者前往海外目的地,與當地機構接洽及安排有關行程
● 照顧團隊於行程上的需要
● 策劃路線及行程,和目的地各單位進行協調及溝通
● 為客人編制行程及提供諮詢服務

● 大專或以上,擁有旅遊行業經驗
● 擁有兩年以上帶團經驗優先
● 擁有電單車或私家車正式駕駛執照
● 良好粵語、中英文書寫及溝通能力
● 操流利日語(日本語能力達N2)優先考慮
● 有拍片、剪片技能優先
● 具組織力、良好時間管理技巧
● 性格細心、開朗外向
● 積極進取、熱情主動
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